Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Lions Night

It’s an interesting evening.
I had a lot of fun meeting interesting people from all over the country. I miss those days traveling around the country meeting people who did bring an impact in the community. It is great to be inspired by leaders in the country, especially from people around me who can just be anybody. It is a great honor to meet them and a great motivation to become one of them.

I believe anyone can be a leader, anyone can be a good leader, it’s just the matter of quality in comparison. There is always a level higher than where you are. When you become the president of the club, you want to be the leader in your community, then the region, the district, the country, the world. It’s always a level higher for you to look on. There is never an end unless you decide to put an end to it.

Today I met Dato Danny Ooi, the person who holds the ownership of Malaysia Book of Record, also the ownership for the title of Miss Tourism Malaysia etc.

A little bit about How Dato Danny started Malaysia Book of Record:

He recalled seeing a man cycling for days at the Merdeka Stadium,trying to set a world record and, another individual, who travelled from state to state by walking. The letter was hoping his attempt could be entered in the Guinness Book of Records.Realising that none of these feats and attempts could be recorded or kept, Mr Ooi felt it was time that proper recognition should be given to such aspiration, effort and determination exhibited by Malaysians.

Today, I met him in a Lions function. He is a Lion campaigning for the position of Vice District Governor in our district. I like his campaign vision. In the past, when candidates campaigned they always say how they can make a difference to the community. Maybe more activities for youth? More projects to promote healthy eyesight? But this time Dato propose to rebrand Lions. He talks about branding. How to improve the image of Lions, to encourage greater support and participation, which in turn will benefit the community. I like the idea. He says “ It is not about what you want to do, it is about what you can do to make a difference.” Based on his expertise in branding, he promised to make an impact to put Lions at the top of the community.

This is what I see as leadership in management level. Manage your human resource and brand image, which will lead you to higher input. This is the fun part of meeting leaders. They share their way of success, where you might find one that is the key to your success.

Proud to be a Lion. Once a Lion, always a Lion.

It is not about pride. It is about being happy and contented.

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